About us
At Starlife, our goal is to create a kinder, smarter and more beautiful world! With a family name inspired by the legendary astronomer Carl Sagan, we Starlifes frequently use both the Arts and Sciences to help people widen their horizons and grow. Our online presence dates back to 1996. Ever since, we have engaged in a wide range of activities supporting our objectives.
The Starlife Group is an international non-profit association which represents, develops and coordinates the various interests and activities of the Starlife sphere. It also holds its brands & domains, and manages some of its projects. Being non-profit, the group does not have any commercial interests in these activities. Any revenue and funds raised go to cover our costs, paying staff, and develop projects furthering our stated goals.
The Starlife Group runs a modern, international and decentralized operation around the world - and other worlds. Our name can even be found at various locations on planet Mars! However, most of our activities takes place online, with many projects having a presence in social media.
Examples of current projects include Starlife Zone (non-profit movie projects) and Stella Vie (our fundraising gift sales). We have also helped arranging vegetarian events for the Guan Yin Citta Buddhistic Cultural Association, as well as activities by the literary society Peter Nilson-sällskapet.
Divisions & Projects
Executive Division
Placed under the direct management of the Board, the Executive Division engages in the internal planning and coordination of various projects & interests, as well as the development of long-term visions and strategies. It also acts as a liaison with external parties on overall issues.
Sales Division
Our Sales Division oversees activities which supports our non-profit agenda, for example shops/retail sales, merchandising, import-export and product development. All net profits are earmarked toward costs for purchases, rents, travels and salaries related to our non-profit work.
Media Division
Our Media Division oversees the production and distribution of various creative and intellectual content, such as films, videos, books, art and music; as well as the management of websites, social media & public outreach.
Research Division
Our Research Division focuses on innovation and frontier sciences which may play a role in our future. This includes AI-based avatars, Mars migration and exotic but not yet proven or understood possibilities, such as PSI/ESP, UFO/UAP, non-human intelligence and time travel.
Marketing, Donors, Investor Relations
With our diversified portfolio of projects, the Starlife Group welcomes both donors and investors. In addition, many projects focus on public outreach, often targeting families and younger audiences. This makes them ideal for marketing and product placement.
For more information, kindly email your inquiries to our head office.
Starlife Group is a registered non-profit organization of Sweden, and is steered by a board of Directors made up of members, friends and associates of the Starlife sphere.
Current Chairman and CEO
Hans L.D.G. Starlife
Contact us
Reg. Head Office
Helsingborg, Sweden
Snail Mail address
Starlife Group, Unit A296, Keurenplein 41, 1069CD Amsterdam, Netherlands
Email for inquiries
Swedish Sales Office
Other Websites
Our team of fundraisers during a summer event for veteran vehicles.
- It's fun to do good deeds!
Starlife Group | All Rights Reserved
Starlife Group. All Rights Reserved.
The "Starlife" and "S" color logos are
trademarks of the Starlife Group.
Starlife Group. All Rights Reserved.
The "Starlife" & "S" color logos are trademarks of the Starlife Group.