
Books, Art & Music

Books, Art & Music

Stories can be told in many ways. In writing and film, yes, but also through art, music, dance, games... even through science. Our whole evolutionary journey is one long story!

Film Storybooks

For all our friends, fans & collectors out there, we are creating a series of illustrated, full-color storybooks. Some will be based on our awesome films Cosmosaga, Moonlin's Wish and On The Rocks! But color printing is expensive. Make a donation, and you may receive a personal, autographed copy! 

Seeing the Patterns

Alfred Hitchcock was a master in creating suspense in movies. Little by little, we saw the hidden patterns of evildoers, even before the characters did. But if we want to build a kinder and more fair society, we also need find these patterns in the real world. Stay tuned for our books and films on this exciting topic!

Starlife Arts

We Starlifes are an artistic family. A great visionary, Hans Starlife started out making Space Art already in his teens. Today, Moonlin has followed in his steps. Besides being a skilled piano student, she is making her own illustrated stories for our YouTube channel. So actually, the piano and drawing scenes in her movie  "Moonlin's Wish" is almost true...

Starlife Arts

We Starlifes are an artistic family. A great visionary, Hans started out making Space Art already in his teens. Today, "Moonlin" has followed in his steps. Besides being a skilled piano student, she is doing her own illustrated stories for our YouTube channel. So the piano and drawing scenes in her movie "Moonlin's Wish" is almost true...

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