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A non-profit family project

All Starlife movies are non-profit, cross-generational projects of the Starlife Group, a Swedish non-profit association. They have been financed entirely out of our own pockets, and through sales from our own gift product brand Stella Vie.

Our group is devoted to all the beauty, wonders and mysteries of life, and uses both writings, filming, music and other art forms to share it with our audience. Our movies have so far been family productions, prominently featuring Michael and Selina Starlife, previously starring in "Cosmosaga" and "Moonlin's Wish". These two movies are also referenced in two scenes of Spacetime Blues: the puppet show and the outdoor cinema.

Hidden references

A while ago, producer Hans Starlife contemplated different ways in which he could share his life story, both with his children and a larger audience. However, he felt that writing an autobiography would be too boring, at least for today's young generation who hardly read books.

His solution was to produce a series of films, each one focusing on different aspects of his life. But he didn't aim to create literal accounts of various events. Instead, he sought to visualize how he felt growing up in this world of ours. His hopes and dreams, and all ups and downs, albeit in a funny and entertaining form. The result is a series of films full of references not only to Hans himself, but to his favorite movies, art & music.

Any Star Trek fans out there? Maybe even some Elvis fans? Then you probably know which films and TV episodes that inspired the 1940's puppet show and the speech at Brandenburger Tor! Spacetime Blues is full of such hidden celebrations of various historical productions. There is even a reference only Swedes know about!

All Starlife movies can be viewed online for free at:

Biographical cheat sheet

"Moonlin's Wish", represents young Hans' evolving curiosity for the very essence of existence and it's mysteries. Especially, the magic and beauty of the fine arts. After all, not only genes but also memes are now said to evolve according to natural selection!

"Cosmosaga" has a more serious outlook. It visualizes Hans' deep ties with nature, the animal world, and the universe beyond. But it also tells the story of an innocent boy who was seen as being different. A situation which can bring out the worst of Human nature.

"On the Rocks" is a lighter shortfilm about our relationship with the universe, fitting in this age of climate change. But this film tells Hans story as well, recalling his early days listening to Radio Luxemburg.

"Spacetime Blues" is a biographic narrative of Hans' early years. Especially the parts featuring Mikey, ranging from the Moon race of the 1960's to his teenage heydays in the 1970s. But also Mikey's vivid imagination, his attachment to trains, his relocations and his rather odd pursuits of jobs and girls!

Producer and storyteller Hans Starlife

Michael and Selina Starlife, here in a promo from our earlier films Cosmosaga and Moonlin's Wish.

Vivian Li Starlife is essentially playing herself, but on another planet. She cares about life everywhere!

The boys from Brazil? Not really, but sometimes you just gotta clone yourself!

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